For nearly six decades the National Grain and Feed Foundation (NGFF) has been a champion for the nation’s grain, feed, and processing industry. We advance the efforts of the National Grain and Feed Association, serving as a catalyst for productivity, safety, and collaboration. NGFF is committed to promoting safety and health in the workplace and protecting employees throughout the industry. Our extensive efforts to enhance safety include unprecedented research and education efforts launched in the early 1980s that helped lead to a dramatic reduction in the number of fire and explosion incidents in commercial grain-handling facilities. NGFF also supports public education and research projects that benefit grain-based food systems, enhance the industry’s presence to the public, and position it for future growth.
The work of the Foundation is made possible through the generous support of passionate individuals, corporations, and association members. All administrative costs and management of the Foundation are provided by the National Grain and Feed Association—which means 100 percent of your contribution goes directly toward NGFF’s education, safety, and research initiatives. Your support makes all the difference.
Foundation Projects - Education
- Safety Training Modules: The Foundation authorized funding for a series of interactive employee safety training modules designed to provide information on certain types of hazards and best safety practices within the grain handling, feed and processing industry. The first e-learning module, entitled Slips, Trips and Falls covers best safety practices, legal requirements and interactive question-and-answer scenarios.
- MANRRS Student Scholarship: Three $5,000 scholarships, payable for up to two years, to exceptional undergraduate and graduate student members of Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences. In addition to financial support, the scholarship also provides networking and mentorship opportunities for the selected student scholars through complimentary attendance at the NGFA Annual Convention in scholarship year one and, if applicable, NGFA’s annual Summer Legislative Fly-In in scholarship year two.
- FSMA Hazard-Assessment Tool: This online hazard-assessment tool assists NGFA members in complying with FDA’s Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) animal food rule. With help from the Foundation, the University of Minnesota’s Center for Food Safety and Animal Health reviewed scientific literature and published recall reports for hazards that have occurred in animal food. The resulting “Scientific Literature Database Tool” summarizes published information regarding the occurrence of hazards in animal food. In addition, the tool contains qualitative scoring to describe the severity of identified hazards for 16 animal species groups.
- Waterways Education: The Foundation provides $25,000 annually to the Waterways Council. The money supports an on-going educational campaign that highlights the importance of waterways transportation to agricultural producers and agribusinesses.
Regional Safety Seminars: The Foundation provides ongoing support for a series of ongoing Regional Safety Seminars co-sponsored by the NGFA and our state/regional Affiliate associations. Over the past couple years, we’ve conducted about 20 such seminars locally/regionally to educate and inform industry of best safety practices for grain handlers and processors.
- Feed Quality Assurance Videos: The Foundation provided financial support for the production of four feed quality assurance videos. The videos – the first of their kind – are designed to be used by feed mill managers as an ongoing training and educational tool with employees and new hires.
Foundation Projects - Research
- Arbitration Study : The Foundation funded a comprehensive study on NGFA’s Arbitration System published in 2007 by famed University of Chicago School of Law Professor Lisa Bernstein. The research focused on numerous factors, such as the comparative expense, complexity and fairness of different alternative-dispute resolution forums.
- Biofuels Study: The Foundation helped fund a landmark study in 2007 that provided a realistic assessment of how large the U.S. biofuels sector could become, and estimated the likely impacts on crop markets, the livestock and poultry sectors, exports, and grain-based wholesale and retail food prices. The study, conducted by Iowa State University’s Center for Agriculture and Rural Development, also was funded by major national livestock, poultry, meat and food organizations.
- Conservation Reserve Program: The Foundation funded a major study of economic impacts of the Conservation Reserve Program on small towns/rural communities and on the general economy. The study concluded that there is much productive cropland currently in the CRP that could be brought back into production in an environmentally responsible way, with major benefits for the economy.
- Engulfment Research: This project developed new techniques and educational materials on how to prevent employees from being entrapped in grain, and in extricating them if such engulfments occur.
- Fire and Explosion Research: In conjunction with Purdue University, the Foundation helps fund annual reports on grain facility explosions. Prevention of these kinds of accidents is a major focus of the Foundation, which houses the resources of the NGFA’s Fire and Explosion Research Council that was founded in the 1980s.
- Optimal Grain Marketing: This project examined how various cash grain marketing contracts and strategies can be used most effectively – with or without crop insurance – to maximize market returns for farmer-customers. The Foundation developed an extensive resource notebook, a producer’s booklet and conducted four educational workshops.
- Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDV): The Foundation donated $60,000 to the National Pork Board, which was used to pursue PEDV research that infected swine herds in the United States.
- Research on Clean Air Act Data: The Foundation conducted a $250,000 research project that obtained valuable data on grain dust emissions that convinced the Environmental Protection Agency to exempt most grain elevators, feed mills and processing plants from the requirement to obtain Clean Air Act operating permits and pay costly annual fees. Estimated savings to the industry reduced regulatory compliance costs: $20 million annually – an average of $1,500 per facility each and every year!
- U.S. Agriculture 20/20: Started in 1993 to help restore economic growth to all sectors of U.S. agriculture, this program was successful in educating policymakers and the public on the benefits of increased crop production by ending government acreage-idling programs.
- Venting Standards: The Foundation supported an analysis of the NFPA’s bin venting recommendations and their real-world/economic impacts on our industry.
Ways to Give
A donation to NGFF helps ensure a bright future for the nation’s grain, feed, and processing industry. Show your support by making a gift online or by check. Turn your donation into a sustaining investment by establishing a monthly donation.
To send a gift in the mail, please make checks payable to “National Grain and Feed Foundation” and mail to: 1400 Crystal Drive, Suite 260, Arlington, VA 22202.
1965 Society
The Foundation’s 1965 Society is a distinguished group of generous individuals who contribute $1,000+ to the Foundation annually and whose generous support allows us to achieve our research and education goals. In exchange for their gift, 1965 Society members receive premier recognition as well as special access and insights about the impact their donation makes possible.
Corporate Partners
As an organization dedicated to the nation’s grain, feed, and processing industry, understanding agribusinesses is our business. We invite your company to partner with NGFF to fund critical research, provide ongoing safety education, empower the next generation of leaders in the field, and more. Whether you are looking to fulfill your philanthropic mission, build brand recognition, or simply show your support for the industry, your corporate partnership will have a lasting impact. In exchange for your gift, your company will receive year-round recognition as well as special mention at our annual golf tournament.
Annual Golf Tournament
In conjunction with the National Grain and Feed Association’s yearly convention, the Foundation’s annual golf tournament is a fun and festive event for golfers and corporate sponsors alike. Participants enjoy networking and camaraderie, all while raising critical funds to support NGFF’s research and education priorities. Tournament-specific sponsorship opportunities and registration help fund NGFF’s work.
Donate Stock
Receive superior tax benefits by donating assets to NGFF. A charitable gift of stocks and publicly traded securities can offer great advantages and help avoid capital gains tax. Please consult your financial advisor for more information and reach out to the Foundation when you are ready.
Wills & Bequests
Your philanthropic legacy is a powerful way to express your values and remind others about the difference you have made in the world. By including NGFF in your estate plans you will make a lasting difference in the achievement of our mission and programs.
The National Grain and Feed Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowable by law.
Foundation Trustees
The Foundation is led by NGFA Foundation Trustees, who carefully review prospective projects — many of which come from NGFA committees. Resources are managed carefully to ensure maximum benefit in return for the Foundation’s investment. Only those projects judged to have a high probability of making a significant positive contribution to the industry, its employees and the industry’s future are funded and undertaken.
Annual Report
2021 – 2022