Feed Committee
Represent the interests of feed, pet food and feed ingredient manufacturers and livestock and poultry integrators. Address federal, state and international legislative and regulatory issues. Improve operational effectiveness by addressing issues, and advancing technological developments and innovations, related to product safety, quality, production and manufacturing technology.
Berit Foss, Vice President, Feed and Sustainability
- Feed Legislative and Regulatory Affairs Subcommittee
- Feed Manufacturing and Technology Subcommittee
Mission: Engage with the Food and Drug Administration, the Association of American Feed Control Officials, state feed regulatory agencies, and relevant international forums on feed safety, model feed laws, labeling, ingredient definitions and other issues. Address federal and state legislative initiatives significant to feed manufacturers and distributors.
Mission: Address operational issues and technological developments important to the manufacturing operations of commercial feed mills, feed ingredient firms, and livestock and poultry integrators. Interact with universities on feed-related education and research efforts; provide education and communication on feed issues; develop guidance and resources to address regulatory compliance topics; direct NGFA’s approach on feed quality and safety systems, such as hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP), ISO, and other international initiatives.