2024 Priority Issues
Farm Bill
Congress should increase investments in working lands conservation programs and agricultural export promotion programs.
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The bipartisan Innovative Feed Enhancement and Economic Development (Innovative FEED) Act (H.R.6687 and S. 1842) would establish a new category of non-nutritive animal food additives that provide production, health and environmental benefits.
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Lower Snake River Dams
NGFA opposes any actions by federal or state governments that could result in breaching the Lower Snake River dams (LSRD).
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Rail Transportation
The Reliable Rail Service Act (S.2071) would better define Class I rail carriers’ common carrier obligation. NGFA also supports the Keeping International Land Ports of Entry Open Act to prevent shutdowns of rail crossings between the U.S. and Mexico.
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NGFA opposes efforts to strip China of its Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) status. Agricultural export volumes for 2024 are predicted to decline for several major commodities and flip to a $30.5 billion deficit in 2024.
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Water Resources Development Act
NGFA supports the “Thomas R. Carper Water Resource Development Act of 2024” passed out of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.
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Letters to Congress
Click on the blue buttons below to send letters directly to your members of Congress.
Innovative FEED Act
Reliable Rail Service Act
Water Resources Development Act
About NGFA Advocacy
You play a key role in educating our communities and government officials about our industry. NGFA works together with its members to foster an efficient, free-market environment that produces an abundant, safe, affordable and high-quality supply of grain, feed and feeding ingredients for domestic and world consumers. While NGFA is well represented in Washington, your voice can help the industry succeed. There’s no easier way to raise your voice than to use NGFA’s online advocacy tool!