NGFA Members: Communication preferences now available Sarah Gonzalez July 19, 2024

NGFA Members: Communication preferences now available

NGFA members can log into their member profiles to select personal communication preferences for issues on which they would like to receive more timely and frequent information from the NGFA.

Directions: Log into your member profile using your company email at Select “Update Your Profile” and “Communication Preferences” to reveal the list of topics available in addition to the NGFA Newsletter and event/marketing updates. Additional topics include:

  • Ag Policy
  • Business and Operations
  • Cybersecurity
  • Feed and Food Safety
  • Risk Management
  • Safety and Health
  • Sustainability
  • Trade and Crop Technology
  • Transportation and Logistics

Each new topic aligns directly with an NGFA committee (except cybersecurity). If you serve on an NGFA committee that aligns with one of these topics, you will receive these updates in addition to the information from the committee staff liaison and chair.

Learn more about each committee and member rosters at